“The Crimson Dawn Museum is the original log cabin home of Neal Forsling, her husband Jim, and her two daughters, Mary and Jean. Dating from 1929, the Museum contains mementos of their life on the mountain. Several of Mrs. Forsling’s paintings are displayed, as well as artifacts found in the area” (Crimson Dawn Park & Museum brochure).
We openly invite you to drop by the museum and speak with the curator to learn more of the fascinating history that this little piece of land holds. Below you will find information on Neal’s published works, her art, and even a DVD documentary – all of which can be purchased online and at the museum. The proceeds of these items help support the park and museum for the enjoyment of all.
Neal’s Art Gallery
Click Image to Go to his Gallery
One of Neal Forsling’s four grandchildren, Karl Martin, has agreed to link his online gallery with us. By clicking on the image above you will be directed to one of the most complete collections of Neal’s artwork available. Thank you, Karl, for sharing this wonderful treasure.
A variety of Neal’s paintings are on display at the museum during the operational season. We invite you to browse the displays and experience for yourself the world of Neal’s fascinating artwork. We hope to see you soon.
Crimson Dawn: The Story of the Casper Mountain Witches
by Neal Forsling
“Once upon a time on Midsummer’s Eve, when winds and mist blocked out the face of the full moon, the four great winds of the world swirled across the sky, tearing black clouds into shreds. In ancient temples gongs sounded, their echoes floating upward to follow the curve of the earth. On this night of enchantment that belonged to creatures of mystery and magic, little groups came together to celebrate ancient secret rites.
On a remote mountain top a small coven of witches silhouetted by leaping flames, danced in a magic circle to the music of tiny bells and wind harps plucked by invisible fingers. Even as they danced, events were unfolding which were to forever change their lives, as well as the lives of an old Italian family in a faraway city by the sea.
The flames die into embers, the winds and mist fade away and the rising sun reveals the opening scene of their future destiny” (Prologue – Crimson Dawn: The Story of the Casper Mountain Witches, 1980).
Proceeds from the sale of this book benefit the Crimson Dawn Association, Casper, Wyoming.
$12.00/ea. Click on image to email purchase request. ->
Winter on a Mountain Top
by Elizabeth (Neal) Forsling
Winter on a Mountain Top is a short story written by Elizabeth (Neal) Forsling and published in October 1933 by The American Mercury. This is a beautiful account of Neal and Jim Forsling’s first full winter spent atop Casper Mountain.
Proceeds from the sale of this book benefit the Crimson Dawn Association, Casper, Wyoming.
$1.00/ea. Click on image to email purchase request. -> 
Currently Out of Stock
A Woman to Match a Mountain
Enjoy this clip of excerpts taken from the 50 minute documentary, A Woman to Match a Mountain. The full-length DVD is available for purchase online, at the museum, and can also be borrowed from the Natrona County Public Library in Casper, Wyoming.
Proceeds from the sale of this DVD benefit the Crimson Dawn Association, Casper, Wyoming.
$20.00/ea. Click on image to email purchase request.-> 
Other Articles and Archives
Link to Pagans & Pioneers: Celebrating the Summer Solstice in Casper, Wyoming – An interesting paper written by Audrey (Vanderford) Watters, University of Oregon 1999.
Link to A Modern Mythmaker in Wyoming – An excellent blog post by The Association for the Study of Women & Mythology 2010.
Link to Karen Snyder – An informative newspaper article announcing the Woman to Match a Mountain DVD by Christi Marsico, Casper Journal 2008. Other articles can be found by searching the Casper Journal website.
Link to Experience the Magic: Summer Solstice Celebrated on Casper Mountain – A colorful newspaper article describing the annual Midsummer Event at Crimson Dawn Park by Megan Lee, Casper Star Tribune 2008. Other articles can be found by searching the Casper Star Tribune website.