This page provides a variety of contact information. Whether you seek to reserve Woodland Theater through the Road & Bridge Department or wish to submit photos to be included on the website or just need general questions answered, this is the place to be. If you are having trouble determining which contact to make, feel free to contact the site administrator. We all look forward to hearing from you.
For all general questions or to make reservations for the Woodland Theater please call the Natrona County Parks – Road and Bridge Office: 307-235-9325
To contact the museum during seasonal operation please call: 307-235-1303
Donations & Purchases
Please help keep the legacy alive. Donations are always appreciated. Click on an image below to request instructions on how to make your donation or to make your purchase. Thank you.
Donate ->
Purchase -> 
CDA Mailing Address
For all Crimson Dawn Association business and to mail donations please use the following mailing address:
Crimson Dawn Association
PO Box 2578
Mills, WY 82644
To ensure enjoyment and safety for all we ask there be no glass containers, open fires, smoking, alcohol, off-road vehicles, or unleashed pets within the park.
Casper, Wyoming